#BR18: How to Effectively Use Your Time on LinkedIn

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to knowing how to make the most of my LinkedIn presence, grow my network, and engage with my peers, I personally have much to learn.

That’s why, for this week’s edition of Breaktime Reflections, I’ve asked my very own significant other, Oana Groza, who is a LinkedIn Top Voice, to share some of her insights.

Here’s our exchange:

Me: Oana, you're a Top Voice on Linkedin. You have a solid profile and your posts are very engaging. You also help startup founders grow their networks on the platform.

If you only had 50 minutes each week to spend on growing your LinkedIn engagement, how would you spend that time? What would you prioritize and what wouldn't you do?

Oana: I spend hours on LinkedIn every day, so it’s challenging to think I’d only have 50 minutes! The platform pays off if you’re active and use it frequently. I often recommend that people post even just once a week if they don’t have time for more.

If my time were so limited, I would probably divide it like this:

20 minutes to create content. I’d publish content that is valuable, shares knowledge, and helps my network. 

I’d test different formats (plain text, photo, video etc) to see what works best. I’d also test different topics that I am knowledgeable about, and I’d contribute to collaborative articles.

20 minutes to interact with other creators/thought leaders (react, comment, repost etc).

10 minutes to grow my network. You can use filters to find the types of people that you’re most interested in having as a contact.

When it comes to what I wouldn’t do, I wouldn’t limit myself to just resharing content that other people create. 

Knowledge-sharing posts that highlight your own experience and perspective on different topics perform very well.

…and there you have it! That was Oana’s feedback on how she would use 50 minutes. 

I don’t know if I currently spend 50 minutes per week on LinkedIn (though I probably should), but whenever I’m on, I‘m either reading or reacting to people’s posts, or sharing a post of my own.

I don’t spend any time commenting or reposting or even the 10 minutes it would take to find & add interesting people. So I was only getting it about 50% right. The good news is that I know what I need to fix :)

Hope this was helpful and I’ll see you again next week!


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